Dry Lungs

Noisecore, Grindcore and Vinyl are 3 of the most beloved things in my life. So it only came natural to start a diy vinyl only noise/grind label to try and support the (local) scene!

Started out with the idea to do only “live in vienna” lps on 180g wax with highest possible quality! After releasing Merzbow & Balazs Pandi LP the austrian post office changed prices so that shipping any 12" is 14€ inside .eu and up to 20€ (shipping alone!) for the rest of the world. Thats why i had to switch into releasing 7" only now… which is at least a good thing since one can afford way more ep releases and can help underground artists to be heard!

I decided to start a small mailorder so one can chose from a handful of things to “save on postage” and not just dry lungs releases, which also helped expanding my private collection immensly. All the stuff is sold at basic costs, i do not overcharge shipping or add any fees whatsoever, all the money is used exclusively for label activities! The non-7" stuff usually is made up from doubles of my collection and unwanted 2nd hand stuff!

Decided the best way to start a nice stock to choose from is to ask friends from other labels for their new grind/noise 7inchers on release, thus far i aim to offer new releases from: Bones Brigade (fr), Fourth Dimension Records / Lumberton Trading Company (pl), Freak Animal Records (fi), Hirntrust Grind Media (at), Quasi Pop Records (ua)

Will try to also keep some of my favourite artists hard to get / fastly outselling eps in here by ordering multiple copies along when ordering for my private collection. If the prices are high like for that agoraphobic nosebleed flexi, i was prolly fucked by the customs and had to pay a lot of import taxes.

Trade offers are also always welcome but usually the postage costs make trading really exhausting.

Open for submissions of underground noise, co-releases with other labels only tho, please dont expect me to release a 7" with you on my own unless i contacted you!

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       ______ ________|\      DRY LUNGS RECORDS      /|________ ______
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        /_____\\______:_. AUSTRiAN DiY RECORD LABEL ._:______//______\
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                   - -|---        EST. 2010        ---|- -
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